There are a few things you should know to help make your LRCS experience as smooth as possible. 


Your main line of communication with the school is your child's Basegroup teacher. They are best positioned to be able to point you in the right direction and answer most general enquiries you may have. 

In the Primary world, this is their General Classroom teacher, who is likely to use a communication platform such as SeeSaw to communicate between school and home. 

In the Secondary world, this is their allocated Basegroup teacher, who is likely to use email to communicate between home and school. Subject specific enquiries and concerns should be communicated directly with your child's subject teacher. 

If you have an issue or concern that you are unable to resolve with your child's Basegroup teacher for any reason, you should contact an appropriate Leader (see our Meet the Leaders section on our Meet the Team page for who is responsible for which areas of the school to best decide where to direct your conversation).  


We are required to monitor student attendance in accordance with State Legislation. 

Student absences should be communicated with either your child's Basegroup teacher or Front Office via phone or email. 

Should you forget to contact us to provide a reason for your child's absence, our amazing Front Office staff are likely to send you an email requesting a reason. 

Bell Times

8:55-9:00 BASEGROUP

9:00-9:45 LESSON 1

9:45-10:30 LESSON 2

10:30-10:50 RECESS

10:50-11:35 LESSON 3

11:35-12:20 LESSON 4

12:20-1:05 LESSON 5

1:05-1:45 LUNCH

1:45-2:30 LESSON 6

2:30-3:15 LESSON 7

Bus Travel

Students who live more than 5kms away from the school are able to catch the bus to and from school each day. This is arranged with the school when your child is enrolled. 

Families have an obligation to notify Bus Drivers directly if their child will not be travelling on the bus as normal. 

For casual bus travel, Families are required to notify the relevant bus driver of their child's intention to catch their bus. This should be done via a bus pass submitted to the Front Office PRIOR to bus travel. This is then presented to the Bus Driver before getting on the bus. 


Our Canteen is open five days a week for counter sales during the first half of lunch. 

Students are able to access the sandwich press and microwaves in the canteen on Mondays and Fridays. 

Lunch orders are placed via the QKR app and are available very day. 

You can download the QKR App here or via the link on our Handy Links page. 


We use a mixture of digital and physical communication at LRCS. This means we sometimes send notes home as an email and sometimes as a physical note. 

We often pop reminders on our Social Media platforms so it pays to be following us on Instagram and Facebook. 

Crunch & Sip

Junior Primary students are required to bring a piece of fruit for ‘Crunch and Sip’ where they eat a piece of fruit and have a drink in the middle of the morning learning sessions to fuel their brains and promote healthy eating.   


We are looking into developing a dedicated drop off and pick up zone for our site - this is an ongoing process and is not yet a reality. 

At the moment, students are expected to use the crossing located on Bews Terrace, to the west of the Front Office Building. 

Families are able to park beneath the pine trees on the Northern side of the school opposite the Primary building. 

EALD Support

Being bilingual is an exceptional skill and one we value highly. If your family speaks a language other than English at home, please make sure you inform the school so we can access appropriate supports to help your child/ren learn at school.  


We have Early Dismissal on the last school day of each term, concluding the school day at 2:15pm. 

Families are required to sign the Early Dismissal Form at enrolment to participate. 

Emergency situations


In the event of an evacuation, students are moved quickly and calmly by their teacher to the North Lawn by the flag pole to await further instructions. 


In the event of an invacuation, students are moved quickly and calmly by their teacher to the designated internal safe space to await further instructions. 


In the event of a Bushfire emergency, our Bushfire refuge is the Gym. Students and staff are moved quickly and calmly to the Gym to await further instructions. 

Google workspace

Google Workspace is a suite of online learning tools used by Secondary Students and teachers in all subjects. This includes Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Sites & Google Drawing. These are cloud based and accessible via an internet browser. 

Students are able to set up their laptops to work offline meaning they will have access to their Google Drive and therefore all their documents even if they do not have access to the internet. Any changes are synced once they reconnect to the internet.

Primary students are beginning to use Google Workspace.

Governing council

The Governing Council is a body that governs a school or preschool. They are an elected group of parents, staff, community members and students who work with the site leader (principal or director) to help set and monitor the direction of a site. Our Governing Council meet twice a term to talk about the direction for LRCS. As well as these meetings, the Governing Council is responsible for sitting on an interview panel to select the LRCS principal, crafting a media response to an event or good news story and employing our canteen staff. More information can be found here or by contacting our Governing Council Chairperson - Chris Mead. 

We invite all members of the LRCS Family to attend the Governing Council 

AGM which is held after the Acquaintance Night at the beginning of each year. 


Primary students are expected to ...

Secondary Students are expected to follow our Secondary Homework Policy, which outlines that homework should be used to Complete, Revise, Assignments and Practise (C.R.A.P). Students are expected to spend at least 15 minutes each night on one of the four types of homework for each subject they participated in that day. More information can be found in the policy here.


All students have access to computers while at school. They are expected to adhere to the Acceptable Computer Use Agreement when using our devices. This essentially means they will use the computer appropriately, ethically and productively. 

Secondary Students are provided with a laptop each year to use in each class. These are borrowed through the library and students are able to take these home. They are expected to sign a Laptop Use Agreement which outlines the conditions under which they can do this. If the laptop is damaged while loaned to them all repair costs must be covered by them or their family. 

Primary students access computers via the Computer Pod located in the Primary building. Year 5/6 students are provided with a laptop to use at the teacher's discretion, which must be kept at school. 

LEARNING conversations

Students, Families and Teachers participate in Learning Conversations (traditionally referred to as Parent/Teacher Interviews) twice a year. 

These conversations cover how a student is progressing with their learning and provides a formal opportunity to celebrate learning successes and discuss learning concerns and strategies. A note is sent home with booking information.


The Lameroo School Community Library is on site and available to students during the school day. 

Community Library Opening Hours:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 9am-5pm 

Tuesdays: 9am - 6pm

(Closed on weekends & Public Holidays)

For more information, please visit the Lameroo Library Website


Primary students have access to a bag rack or locker by their classroom door to store their bags during the day and have a tray in their classroom to store their learning materials. They also have access to a refrigerator to store their lunch each day. 

Secondary students are allocated a locker in which they can store their bag and learning materials each day. All lockers are lockable and  students are encouraged to provide a lock if they wish to keep their belongings more secure. We recommend providing a spare key to the front office in the event of a lost key! 


Medication cannot be administered at school unless a Medication Agreement is completed, signed and returned to school. This must be authorised by a health professional if the medication is insulin, oxygen, a controlled drug or pain relief that needs to be taken regularly or more than three times a week. More information can be found here. 


Students are only permitted to bring their Mobile Phone to school if they have signed the Mobile Phone Use Agreement. 

This agreement stipulates that should a student bring their mobile phone to school, it will be switched off and kept in their bag at all times - this includes whilst attending school events unless they have the permission and direct supervision of a teacher. 

A copy of the Mobile Phone Agreement can be found here.

nut awareness

LRCS is a Nut Aware school and students are not permitted to bring nuts or products containing nuts to school under any circumstances. 


Formal written reports are provided to families twice a year. 

Primary Students receive a written comment about academic progress in Literacy and Numeracy as well as a rating of achievement and effort across all curriculum areas. 

Secondary Students receive a printed copy of the LFD Achievement and Effort comment and score for each subject. 

These are sent home with students at the end of each Semester.  

school closure days

LRCS is allocated one School Closure Day a year for an event of local significance. This is typically scheduled near the Royal Adelaide Show in consultation with Neighbouring schools. 


Primary Students participate in one week of swimming lessons each year. 


Our Uniform is purchased through an online portal provided by Work Locker in Mt Barker. You can have your uniform order shipped directly to you or you can pop into their store front and pick it up - whichever is easier for you. 

You can access the uniform portal here or via the Uniform link on our Handy Links page. 

Our Uniform Policy can be viewed here.


Generally speaking, Primary Students are permitted on the Primary side of the school, while Secondary Students are permitted on the Secondary side of the school at break times. 

The exceptions to this are:

A yard map can be found here.