Camps and Excursions
At LRCS, our students participate in a range of camps and excursions throughout the school year to further enhance their learning.
We know that educational outcomes are often enhanced through meaningful experiences. With this in mind, we aim to engage in a range of camps, excursions and incursions designed to further student learning and growth in a range of areas.
We plan our camps, excursions and incursions based on student needs, interests and availability.
There are some camps that have become staples in our calendar and we hope to continue these, plus many more, in the future.
Outdoor Education Camps
Our Stage 1 & 2 Outdoor Education class undertake a range of outdoor activities as part of their course work. This includes kayaking, bushwalking and rock climbing.
Our Year 9 class travel to Murray Bridge Sailing Club and experience a range of Aquatics activities such as sailing, paddle boarding, kayaking, skiing and kneeboarding.
Royal Adelaide Show
Our Year 10 Ag class exhibit Merino sheep and Boer goats at the Royal Adelaide Show each year.
Primary Choir
Our Primary Choir participate in the South Australian Choir Festival each year.
A group of our students travel to Adelaide and experience a range of arts performances and experiences as part of the DreamBIG festival.
This alternates between Primary and Secondary students each year.
F-2 Live Theatre
Our Year F-2 class travel to either Renmark or Murray Bridge to experience a live theatre performance.